♾ Meditation for Dyslexia - Improve Reading & Focus
A meditation practice specifically designed to harness and enhance the way your mind naturally works
♾ Meditation for Aphantasia – Practical Tips for Those Who Can’t Visualise
Struggle to visualise during meditation? Discover aphantasia-friendly techniques to enhance mindfulness without mental imagery.
♾ Meditation for ADHD
The key is to address each symptom individually rather than attempting to battle ADHD as a whole.
15. Meditation for Mindful Living: Identifying your control state and finding your center.
Does it serve or enlighten you? If so, proceed mindfully; if not, move on.
14. Healing Past Traumas Through Meditation
Meditation allows you to bring your current knowledge and wisdom into past experiences, ensuring that when triggered, you don’t revert to that earlier state.
12. The Art of Self-Compassion
Self-compassion is the root of all healing and the gateway to transcendence.
11. The Transformative Power of Truth-Seeking Meditation
When the mind and body are in harmony, life naturally becomes easier.
Part 1. Manifesting with Meditation - How To Attract Everything You Need.
Manifestation requires two essential ingredients: belief and awareness.
10. Fueling Your Creation with Life
If you give life to something you believe in, you can absolutely make it real.
9. When, Why, and How to Hold Your Breath in Meditation
Technically, you don't "hold" your breath in meditation. Instead, you practice pausing or stopping the flow of Prana.